Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's been a long time!!! Where have I been??

I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a while! The truth is I haven't been on a warm island vacation sipping fact I've been sitting at my computer since November trying to remember my login info so I could post something! I finally figured it out, I don't know what I was thinking when I set my password, you'd think I was protecting Fort Knox.

I am so happy to see that I have three followers and comments to moderate!!! WOOOHOOO! Thank you so very much for your kind words and inspiration!

In my previous post I mentioned an alternative to insulin, if you're interested in learning more about what that is please check out the wonderful Kim Brown at

Also, if you are a family member of someone with Type 1 please check out our support site, there is a lot of good information and resources there and more posted everyday. Join Maddy's Network Here!

So, now that Madison is speaking fluent English as opposed to babble I have really been trying to teach her how important her insulin is. Sometimes she fights me sometimes she hardly notices I'm giving her an injection but regardless I always tell her "I'm going to give you your insulin now". If she fights me I ask, "why is it important to take your insulin?" she always responds "insulin makes me healthy Mom" this makes me happy. :) It seems to make her feel better too on the days when she's just had enough poking and proding to understand in her own toddler way that these stinking shots are what allow her to jump, run and have fun! (that's what I told her healthy meant) ;)

Last night I was sitting on the couch watching JAMIE OLIVER'S FOOD REVOLUTION (best show ever by the way! Please watch!) and I looked down at my feet and thought my poor baby girl is probably so sick of toe pokes. I tried for a few minutes to put myself in her shoes and I couldn't imagine being that little and carrying such a huge responsibility and tough exterior all the time. She is truly an extraorinary person and she doesn't even know it yet.

Its important that when we have days when we're tired, stressed and just have had enough of this Diabetes crap that we remember that our kids have the biggest burden of all and they look to us for strength when they have none left so stay strong, stay focused and let's give these kids the proper tools to manage this disease until the day comes when we are all freed from its grasp.