Monday, May 17, 2010

Probiotics and Type 1

The use of probiotics can be very beneficial for both you and your little one and in fact is crucial if your child suffers from an auto-immune disease like our children, broken immune system or has taken antibiotics (hopefully not).

Probiotics are friendly bacteria found in foods and dietary supplements that can help bring back the balance of good bacteria.

When your child is given antibiotics both the good and bad bacteria are being destroyed.  Good bacteria (probiotics) are needed to restore what was lost, boost their immunity and help their body fight infection.

We LOVE babyflora by RenewLife, in fact we LOVE all of their products. But there are quite a few good ones on the market if you do a google search.  Make sure that they are specifically for children and check, double check the ingredient list for any additives, milk derivitives or other funky stuff. :)


The best cracker ever invented!

I was at Whole Foods waiting for a veggie platter they were making for me and found myself standing next to the gluten free aisle. Since Madison's diagnosis we've been on the hunt for a good cracker or crispy cookie that adhere's to our diet. Its been impossible, everything we tried had an awful taste to it. So I saw this pretty little white bag filled with what looked to be healthy graham crackers, ingredients looked good and so I thought I'd give it a try. I must tell you these are the BEST cookie/crackers we've tried yet, they did NOT raise Madison's blood sugar, they taste a lot like graham crackers and they are a good grab and go snack. Let me know what you think if you get the chance to try them!

On a side note, I also ran out of eggs this morning and used these as cereal! LOL  Here's what I did for a gluten free cereal:

- 5 Cinnamon Skinny Crisps (break into pieces)
- A handful of pecans (chopped)
- A handful of slivered almonds
Top with Almond milk, fruit or any other topping you like, Madison like turkey bacon or sausage on the side too!