Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mac & Cheese!!!

Okay, so this was a "treat" today because Mommy was riddled with morning sickness the entire day and was a bit lazy.  We only eat rice pasta on ocassion because it does raise Madison's blood sugar a bit but we do have it once or twice a month as a treat or quick meal when nothing else has been planned.  We all have those days right?  So I thought I'd share! This is a very flexible recipe (as are all of my recipes) completely open to your interpretation, we make it differently every time, here is what we made today:


Brown Rice Penne Pasta (or anything you like)
Goat Cheese (we use crumbled feta because its very creamy)
Organic Chopped Frozen Spinach 
Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Grass Fed Butter
Sea Salt
Garlic or Garlic Powder

  • Bring water to a rapid boil and add in pasta
  • Once pasta is almost done add frozen spinach to boiling water (you can definitely use fresh spinach but add it right before you drain the pasta)
  • Drain water from pan
  • Return pan to stove on lowest heat
  • Add in goat cheese (as much or as little as you like, add it slowly until it reaches the desired consistency)
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic minced (or organic garlic powder)
  • Mix well and Serve!!