Monday, May 17, 2010

The best cracker ever invented!

I was at Whole Foods waiting for a veggie platter they were making for me and found myself standing next to the gluten free aisle. Since Madison's diagnosis we've been on the hunt for a good cracker or crispy cookie that adhere's to our diet. Its been impossible, everything we tried had an awful taste to it. So I saw this pretty little white bag filled with what looked to be healthy graham crackers, ingredients looked good and so I thought I'd give it a try. I must tell you these are the BEST cookie/crackers we've tried yet, they did NOT raise Madison's blood sugar, they taste a lot like graham crackers and they are a good grab and go snack. Let me know what you think if you get the chance to try them!

On a side note, I also ran out of eggs this morning and used these as cereal! LOL  Here's what I did for a gluten free cereal:

- 5 Cinnamon Skinny Crisps (break into pieces)
- A handful of pecans (chopped)
- A handful of slivered almonds
Top with Almond milk, fruit or any other topping you like, Madison like turkey bacon or sausage on the side too!

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